Alyssa Macfarlane
Nursing Team
Alyssa is a qualified Veterinary Nurse who began her career in nursing in 2015 after 10 years of customer service focused roles. She has worked in a general practice clinic in Alexandria during this time and loves the sense of community in the area. She has also raised many bottle babies during her training and foster-failed two cats, Storm and Tuna. If she could have a dog, she would most certainly have a rescue Greyhound – They have become her favourite after many years of working with them.
While Alyssa enjoyed her time in general practice, she has felt a pull towards emergency nursing and is looking at studying her Emergency & Critical Care Diploma sometime soon!
In her spare time outside the clinic she loves finding and cooking new yummy vegan meals, enjoying music and sometimes trying (trying being the operative word) to paint with watercolours.