As humans, we make decisions about our diets based on our health requirements and political beliefs. A lot of vegan people find it challenging to feed their pets meat because of the harmful processes that go into creating pet food. This debate is becoming increasingly prevalent in modern times, so we’re discussing what we know about buying organic, vegan pet food.

The Arguments Against It

Some people believe that feeding omnivorous pets, especially cats, a vegetarian diet is similar to forcing a horse to eat meat – it goes against their nature and they simply can’t survive on it. Some experts agree that it is extremely unwise to feed a cat a vegetarian diet because they are not designed that way.

The main risks of feeding dogs and cats a vegan diet include:

  • an imbalance of amino acids like taurine and L-carnitine or essential fatty acids
  • inadequate protein intake, this has been calculated at less than the necessary 25 grams per 1,000 calories
  • vitamin and mineral deficiencies – B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, and iron

If these problems occur and are left to worsen, your dog or cat could suffer from irreversible medical conditions. Simply put, humans have done ample research into our own biology and dietary requirements, which means we can survive easily on vegan diets. This research has not been done to the same extent for animals, so it is unwise to suddenly change their natural diets without consulting your Sydney vet clinic.

Can It Be Done?

A balanced vegan diet with crucial supplements can meet the nutritional needs of dogs and cats. If you are willing to put extra time and money into your pet’s dietary requirements, it is possible to maintain their health with a vegan diet. Vegetarian dogs and cats can enjoy their food in good health while maintaining an ethically consistent philosophy on animal rights. Additionally, some supermarket, meat-based pet foods can be extremely unhealthy and unclean.

Exclusively for dogs, the canine body has the ability to transform certain amino acids into others, meaning they can receive all of the amino acids they need while avoiding meat. This is good news for the vegetarian pet owner!

In all, it’s important to be aware of exactly what is going into your pet’s stomach and do everything you can to keep them healthy and safe. Do research on your pet’s dietary requirements and find a way to meet them in a balanced way.

Speak to Your Vet First

No matter your philosophical standing, it is important to avoid suddenly changing an animal’s diet. Speak to Sydney Veterinary Emergency & Specialists for advice on feeding requirements for your cat or dog. Call (02) 91997 5800 or contact us online with any questions about this article!